NLCC Life GroupSign up Now

LEARN: Every member is encouraged to learn – be nurtured in the Word and Christian disciplines – Bible intake, prayer, fasting, stewardship, etc.
INVOLVE: Each member is encouraged to be involved in the work on ministry. The member is encouraged to seek to understand his or her unique gift and calling and be equipped to operate therein.
FELLOWSHIP: Fellowship and breaking of bread creates a sense of family and belonging. Breaking bread together was a feature of the Early Church,…” and they had all things in common.” Everybody wants to belong, to fit in, to relate… that’s what life is about. If people can’t find a safe and Godly place to “fit in”, to belong … somewhere, where they can relate, the will look for it elsewhere.
In a large population, creating a sense of community and connecting with others is important. In the church, it’s crucial. Life Groups are small groups within the larger church in which people of similar interests take care of the “one-anothers” in life. In a large church, it’s important that community exists in order for relay-tionships to be real and relevant.
EVANGELISM: Being a disciple of Christ, we are called to be “fishers of men”. Hoarding the good news and the changes that come to our lives as result of our walk with Christ chokes the life that salvation brings to us. Every member must learn how to share his or her faith!